About flowcreate

Flowcreate began in May 2011. It is an enquiry into the process of developing ideas. It does not work toward a final piece or performance but rather concentrates on the creative process itself, informed by debate and practice from the field of ceramics, film, philosophy and literature. This negotiation forms the basic content of the site, incorporating film, stills, audio ‘in conversation’ and ceramics. It is an approach that gives rise to a multiplicity of potential outcomes as the project unfolds.

It is interesting to consider what the potential benefits are of moving between two or more disciplines. Obviously each discrete discipline has certain characteristics – material values, processes, audience, market – properties that make it particular. But within the creative arts in general there are also overlaps – the basic premise of all art-form is to make tangible or give form to human experiences. Now this premise in itself creates a rich vantage point from which to begin a project.

The interaction between ceramics, drawing and film will be used to establish correspondence between multiple perspectives in order to create spaces, creative spaces in which the activity of our perception can be explored and conveyed.

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Social Potentials of Making the Creative Process Visible

The project aims to identify evidence of how children infuse meaning into their imagery, both as individuals and groups. To achieve this, a specific context has been identified that the children can respond to; a shared context that enables identification and construction of a vocabulary of marks and symbols. This research centres on drawings created from a series of workshops with children from Bettws Primary School, Bridgend, as they come to terms with the destruction of their junior block when it burnt to the ground in July this year.
The workshops will take place with children at key stages in artistic development, namely pre-reflexive, schematic and representational, in order to examine thoughts and ideas that are spontaneous and gestural as well as more cognisant articulations of the event and its consequences.
​The remit of the workshops will be to examine how creative play can transport the mind from one reality to another; from the harsh reality of the children’s experience of the fire at Bettws into the more liberated or suggestible world of the drawn image. Allowing us to see incidence of play and at the same time appreciate the child’s wider psychological world. These worlds will be explicitly traversed, as this is where therapeutic properties lie, enabling objectivity, a new perspective from which to view familiar thoughts and feelings. Specifically, children will be facilitated in creative play through drawing as a means to encourage the progression of their ideas.

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  1. Leave a comment
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  3. First Figure Leave a comment
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